Our Team is Your Team

Project Initiation

A kickoff meeting introducing the project team members forms the foundation of our project methodology. In this phase, we determine such items as timelines, resources, integration, SSO and any training needs. This helps form our project plan to ensure a successful project.

Configuration Workshops

Our implementation experts will guide you through RiskWare workflow options and configure the system to meet your business requirements.

User Acceptance Testing

To ensure the system meets expectations this is an important phase as it provides a safety net for any adjustments before go-live.
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Go Live

Once the configuration of the system has been accepted, the system is then made available to your users and moves to our Client Services Team.


What Our Customers Are Saying


CFA Victoria 

"We had some additional requirements we needed for an emergency service, which they were quite happy to build into the system"

– Jeff Green
Occupational Health & Safety Manager
CFA (Country Fire Authority) Victoria

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